If an int
is not big enough for your needs, a long
is twice as big as an int
and can represent numbers from -2^63
to 2^63 - 1
You can make a long
from an integer literal, but integer literals do not
normally allow for numbers that an int
cannot store.
void main() {
// Smaller numbers work without issue
long smallNumber = 5;
// This is too big for an int
long bigNumber = 55555555555;
For those cases you need to add an L
to the end of the literal.1
void main() {
long smallNumber = 5;
// But with an L at the end, its not too big for a long
long bigNumber = 55555555555L;
All operations with a long
will result in a long
. Conversions to int
other "smaller" integer types will be narrowing and require a cast.
void main() {
long a = 5;
int b = 3;
// a long times an int will result in a long
long c = a * b;
And if you have need of a potentially nullable long
, Long
with a capital L
is the boxed version.
void main() {
// Can't have a null "long"
// long l = null;
// But you can have a null "Long"
Long l = null;
The reason you will likely end up using int
more than long
is that int
works more with other parts of Java. Like array indexing - you can't
get an item in an array with a long
, you need an int
for that.
void main() {
String[] sadRobots = { "2B", "9S", "A2" };
long index = 2;
// Longs can't be used as indexes
String sadRobot = sadRobots[index];
But there is nothing wrong with a long
. If you need to represent a number that is potentially bigger than an int
then it is useful.
"L is for long" would be a total cop-out in a children's picture book.