
What int is to long, float is to double. Even the type name double implicitly means "double the size of a float." So if you want something half the size of a double you can use a float.

To write a float in a program you need to write f at the end of the floating point literal.

void main() {
float f = 3.5f;

This is because Java sees floating point literals without a trailing f as representing a double.

void main() {
float f = 3.5;

Conversions from a double to a float are narrowing and require an explicit cast. Conversions from a float to a double are widening and do not require a cast.

void main() {
double a = 6.5;
// Need a cast
float b = (float) a;

float c = 9.5f;
// Do not need a cast
double d = c;

And if you have need of a potentially nullable float, Float with a capital F is the boxed version.

void main() {
// Can't have a null "float"
// float f = null; 

// But you can have a null "Float"
Float f = null;

You will really only want a float when you are trying to save space in memory. Otherwise its best to just use a double.

// This array of 2 floats
float[] floats = { 1.0f, 2.0f };
// Will take up as much space as this
// array with 1 double
double[] oneDouble = { 1.0 };