One way to think about records is that they are "shorthand"1 for a regular class.
So the following record
public record Cat(boolean spayed, int weight) {}
is shorthand for a regular class that looks like this.
// There are a few parts that I left off here
// so this isn't 100% accurate.
public class Cat {
private final boolean spayed;
private final int weight;
public Cat(boolean spayed, int weight) {
this.spayed = spayed;
this.weight = weight;
public boolean spayed() {
return this.spayed;
public int weight() {
return this.weight;
// + the magic that makes it print nicer
// + the magic that lets you use .equals
// + a little more that will be relevant later
For you non-native English speakers, a shorthand is a shortened form of something. TTYL is "shorthand" for "Talk to you later."