Usage with Elements

If an annotation is declared with elements then you must specify values for those elements when annotating a part of your program.

@interface Todo {
    String description();

@Todo(description="Actually write code")
class Code {

For String, int, and boolean elements you do this using their corresponding literals. For Class elements you use ClassName.class. And for arrays you use array initializers.

enum Priority {

@interface Todo {
    String description();

    int someNumber();

    boolean isImportant();

    Class<?> someRelatedClass();

    String[] notes();

    Priority priority();

        description = "Write some code",
        someNumber = 444,
        isImportant = false,
        someRelatedClass = ArrayList.class,
        notes = {
                "this example is potentially confusing",
                "it isn't high priority enough to fix"
        priority = Priority.LOW
class Code {


If the only element you need to provide is named value, then you don't need to give its name.

@interface Todo {
    // The name "value" is special
    String value();

@Todo("Write some code")
class Code {