Get a Constructor

Following the pattern, getConstructor gets a reference to a Constructor object. Just like getMethod, this requires specifying argument types.

Since getField might throw a NoSuchFieldException and getMethod might throw a NoSuchMethodException you might expect a getConstructor to throw a NoSuchConstructorException. It does not. If there is no match for the constructor you are trying to find it will reuse NoSuchMethodException.

Constructor objects are also similar to Class objects in that they can carry a generic parameter specifying what kind of object will be made when they are invoked.

import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;

class Main {
    void main() throws NoSuchMethodException {
        Class<AirplaneFood> airplaneFoodClass = AirplaneFood.class;

        // Zero argument constructor. 
        // Note that we have Constructor<AirplaneFood>. 
        // If you have a Class<?> it will give you a Constructor<?>
        Constructor<AirplaneFood> constructor
                = airplaneFoodClass.getConstructor();

        // One argument constructor
        constructor = airplaneFoodClass.getConstructor(boolean.class);


class AirplaneFood {
    public final boolean tastesGood;

    public AirplaneFood() {
        this.tastesGood = false;

    public AirplaneFood(boolean tastesGood) {
        if (tastesGood) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Lies");
        this.tastesGood = false;