
A short represents a signed value between -32768 and 32767. Representing a short takes twice as much memory as representing a byte and half as much memory as representing an int.

void main() {
short a = 32767;
byte b = -32768;

Operations like + and * on a short will "promote" the result an int and you will need to cast the result. Going from an int to a short is a narrowing conversion.

void main() {
short a = 5;
short b = 6;
// Need to cast the result to a (byte) again
short c = (short) (a * b);

Conversely, going from a short to an int is a widening conversion and you won't need a cast.

void main() {
short a = 5;
int a2 = a; // Widening conversion

And if you have need of a potentially nullable short, Short with a capital S is the boxed version.

void main() {
// Can't have a null "short"
// short b = null; 

// But you can have a null "Short"
Short b = null;

A short also takes up exactly as much space as a char and converting between the two is allowed, but will still require an explicit cast in both directions.1

void main() {
short s = 50;
char c = (char) s;
s = (short) c;

You will most often want a short when you are trying to save space in memory but need to represent numbers beyond what a byte can represent.2

// This array of 2 shorts
short[] shorts = { 1, 2 };

// Will take up as much space as this
// array with 1 int
int[] oneInt = { 1 };

// And as much space as this array with 4 bytes
byte[] bytes = { 1, 2, 3, 4 };

These are neither narrowing or widening conversions. Java just makes you put the cast. One way to view this is that when you go from a short to a char you've transformed a "number" into a "character." So while no information is lost, what the information "represents" has changed.


As you might suspect, this is more rare than the situations where you would want a byte.